
DevSecOps: Bridging the Gap Between System Development and Security

Traditionally, during the development process of apps and other software, security has always been the last step. But as the world of technology advances, software updates are needed more often. And with every new update, security needs updating, too – making it difficult to bring updates out fast enough while also ensuring no security issues fall through the gaps.

So, what’s the solution?

DevSecOps – which stands for Development, Security, and Operations – aims to bridge the gap between security and development teams. It automates security integration into the development process so that it can be updated during every step of the production cycle, rather than just at the end.

Why is DevSecOps needed?

DevSecOps integration is part of the necessary evolution businesses need to go through when approaching the security process. Security for new software and application updates is often an afterthought and is tested and integrated by a completely different department and quality assurance team to the original development.

This segmented approach to development and security is fine for software that only requires one or two updates a year. However, those using a more agile process are now working on updating and refining software in a few weeks, need a much faster end-to-end process.

How does it work?

DevSecOps allows security issues to be resolved when they first emerge – no matter what step in the process it arises. Nipping issues in the bud as early on as possible makes it easier to find a solution before it becomes a large issue later down the line. This allows updates to be implemented faster and cheaper. By leaving security to the last step, software may require re-writing to solve the problem – leading to a delayed launch and more expense. As the DevSecOps motto says, the process makes ‘software safer, sooner’.

The benefits of DevSecOps

There are plenty of benefits for DevSecOps, all relating to security and speed. In fact, there are very few disadvantages to implementing the system. GitHub suggests the number of software developers to security professionals is 500 to one – adding a huge pressure to the security professionals at the end of the line to get the work done as quickly as possible. By implementing DevSecOps, security professionals can highlight issues and leverage the abundance of software developers available to fix the issue there and then.

As a result, DevSecOps teams can launch software faster, safer, and cheaper.

What are the other benefits of a DevSecOps team?

Collaboration and Shared Accountability

By incorporating security into every step of the production line, everyone is equally responsible. Everyone works to the same mindset, meaning there are more people on the lookout for potential errors before they become larger issues. According to a KPMG survey, 40% of businesses have found DevSecOps encourages a higher level of collaboration within the workplace.


Software and updates can be delivered on a smaller budget. Without having to re-write software after it has been fully created and without having to wait for final approval from the security team, delivery can be much more cost-effective for the business.

Rapid Delivery

In a non-DevSecOps environment, if a security issue is identified, it’s back to the drawing board. Developers will need to fix the issue and go through the quality assurance process again to get approval of the changes and to check if there are any other security issues. If there is, the process has to start all over again. This can be costly and cause delays for the launch.

With a DevSecOps approach, security issues are fixed along the way – making the quality assurance process faster and simpler.

Proactive Security Solutions

In the event that a security issue does fall through the net and the software is launched, DevSecOps teams can work together to proactively resolve the issue as quickly as possible. These teams can quickly respond to issues and patch up vulnerabilities, while security-specific teams can focus on other projects.

Repeatable, Adaptable Process

Once the DevSecOps team is fully immersed, the production process for software and updates can easily be repeated for the next project.

It’s also worth mentioning that the process can be easily adapted and compatible with the demand for modern technology, creating a streamlined, automated system that will work for businesses for many years.

Final Thoughts

It’s no wonder why so many businesses are looking to work with a DevSecOps approach. The ability to make software faster, simpler and more cost-efficient will allow companies to grow and develop to new heights with security guaranteed.

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