
What Is A White Label Agency In Digital Marketing?

The digital marketing industry can be a complex market full of confusing terms and definitions from SERPS to PPC. If you’ve been in the digital marketing industry long enough, then you’ve probably come across the term white label agency before. However, what exactly is a white label agency and how can they benefit you and your business?.

To help you understand this mysterious term, we thought we’d put together a quick and easy read explaining what a white label agency is and what they do. After all, since we are a white label agency, there’s really no one better to explain it! So, just what is a white label agency?.

What Is A White Label Agency In Digital Marketing?

What Is A White Label Agency?

Not to be confused with white hat SEO, although most white label agencies strictly use white hat SEO only, a white label agency does SEO work for people on behalf of its clients.

To put it simply, a white label agency is a company that does digital marketing work for other digital marketing companies under their brand name. A client will go to a digital marketing agency when they need help promoting and ranking their website. Whether it’s SEO work, social media management or outreach, the digital marketing agency will outsource the work to a white label agency. The white label agency will then do the SEO work or whatever is required under the brand name of the digital marketing agency that sold it to the client in the first place.

From the client’s perspective, it looks like they paid the digital marketing agency to do the SEO work. However, the SEO work was actually passed on to a 3rd party which did the work for a lower cost than was paid by the client. Therefore, the digital marketing agency that sold the SEO service to the client in the first place receives a nice profit.

Although this might seem a bit deceptive to the original client, this is a time-tested business model that has been around for decades. White label products and services aren’t just limited to the digital marketing industry. In fact, it was around a long time before the internet took off, and is currently a common practice in many other industries.

What Does a White Label Agency Do?

A white label agency operates just like a regular SEO agency, except they don’t do the work under their own name. After all, they are representing another company when they do the work, so using their own name would defeat the purpose.

Like digital SEO agencies, white label agencies specialize in different areas of digital marketing such as SEO, PPC, and social media. Using the same tools, techniques, and software as most other digital marketing agencies, white label agencies can still deliver tremendous results for clients, usually at a fraction of the price.

This is great news for digital agencies who rely on white label agencies as it means they can sell high-end SEO services to clients for a healthy markup. They also don’t have to worry about the quality of the work as they know it’s coming from experienced professionals and not just any amateur.

The Benefits of Using A White Label Agency

Now you know what a white label agency is and what they do, what are the benefits of using one compared to having it done in-house?

Allows You To Grow Without Recruiting More People

This is one of the main advantages to using a white label agency. When a digital marketing agency first starts out they usually have a small team. As new clients sign up and new business comes in, they will slowly expand their team. The problem is, if they happen to lose clients or business then they’re stuck paying staff with no work to do. With a white label agency, all the SEO work is outsourced to another company. This means you don’t need a big team of workers to run your digital marketing agency, in fact, you could do it yourself and just focus on sales. Once work comes in, you simply pay the white label agency to do it on your behalf.

Great If You Struggle With SEO

Let’s face it; some people are better at selling than actually doing the work they sold. This can often bring up problems with clients: “You promised me I would increase my rankings and I haven’t moved at all!”. By outsourcing your work to a reputable white label agency, you know you are going to get great results. This means you don’t have to worry about the work or not getting the results; the white label agency will focus on that. This leaves you to run your business and sign up new clients without having to worry about the quality of the work you’re selling.

 They’re Experts In Their Field

White label agencies specialize in a particular area, and thanks to their experience, they’re almost always the best people for the job. The staff employed at these kinds of agencies are highly trained and competent. Their track record will usually show this too – however, if you choose to go with a freelancer, you might find that the work is done poorly, late, or in the worst cases, doesn’t even get done at all!

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