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Don’t Ignore the Problem of Skirting Boards

We all know that skirting boards or skirting tiles are used from protection to aesthetic elevation. In this article we are discussing these overlooked interior design elements that redefine interior spaces.

There was a time when skirting board also known as base board or base molding is considered a necessity. Once a time skirting board become an optional interior design element which actually often overlook.

However, beyond offering several practical benefits, skirting board have an aesthetic value that enhance your interior spaces.

If we say in simple way, skirting board is a wooden board installed at the base of an interior wall to cover the joint between the floor and the wall.

From a functional perspective, skirting boards for several advantages. Like shielding wall from everyday wear and tear, such measure prevents scratches or dent caused by furniture or foot traffic.

Skirting board is also helping in concealing gaps between the wall and that floor that make contain electrical wiring or cable. Base molding is also helping to make a room sound proof by acting as a buffer between the wall and floor.

From an interior decoration perspective skirting board and significantly enhance the visual appeal of the room.

Skirting Board,

How Skirting Boards Can Uplift Your Interior

Here are the few days through which cutting board cannot live your interiors.

Providing A Defining Feature Or Accent

Instead of paintings skirting board in a neutral color that blend with the rest of the room. It can be painted in a more striking or facinating colors that make it stand out from the surroundings. Another option could be use contrasting finishes to achieve a distinctive look. For instance, wooden skirting with metallic accents.

Lighting with Skirting Boards

Innovative floor board customization would be integrating lighting into the design, in the form of LED strips or recessed lighting.

This provides a soft ambient glow that enhance the space. Moreover, this indirect lighting also create a functional purpose like adding navigation in the dark.

Framing your wall

The lack of skirting boards had become a feature of modernist design. Actually, without skirting tiles room looking clinical and unwell coming.

This is because skirting boards frame walls and make room like more homely friendly and complete. Without skirting the wall meets the floor with no connection or interface in a brutalist fashion.

Playing with lights and proportions

By manipulating heights and proportions, you can achieve a balance and pleasant look. Skirting board heights typically very between 4 and 6 inches.

This provides some leeway a to experiment with taller or sorter options. Best on the dimensions of your room. For instance, thick tall skirting can add a touch of grandeur to your space. While a shorter skirting board can provide a more minimalistic look.

Know more about interior design elements,


There is a lot of scope for experiment in term of design and color, when it comes to picking the rights skirting boards for your interiors.

Right from the choice of material for the skirt board there are plenty of options, with wood, PVC and plaster being among the popular picks.

More ever range of finishes including Matt, Glossy or Metallic can be considered to add for the texture and design of the skirting board.

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