
Chandipura Virus (CHVP) – Symptoms, Cure and Prevention

Have you heard the news outbreak of Chandipura Virus in Gujarat? Many of us heard about this virus name “Chandipura” means CHVP now a days via news channels. But it is not a new, actually first outbreak of this virus in village Chandipura, in Maharashtra in 1965.

Primarily, this virus affects the age group of 4 to 14 years Childrens. Let’s understand few facts about Chandipura Virus.

Chandipura Virus, CHVP,

What is Chandipura Virus?

Chandipura virus is a pathogen member of vesiculovirus genus of the family of Rhabdovirdae. Mainly known spread of this virus via vectors like, mosquitoes, ticks and sandflies.

Symptoms of Chandipura Virus

This virus causes,

  • Fever with similar to flu
  • Inflammation to the brain (acute encephalitis)
  • Hugh fever
  • Body aches
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Altered Consciousness

Generally, this virus progressing rapidly and create severe neurological complications and high mortality rates.

Cure and Treatment of Chandipura Virus

Due to the lack of particular antiviral treatments, early diagnosis and supportive care are play crucial role in treatment.

  • Appropriate protective clothing
  • Use of full body covered clothes and bed nets to avoid bites of vectors.
  • Control of surrounding environment
  • Must reduce sandfly habitat sources.
  • Use and spray of insecticides around vectors spreading sources.
  • Public health awareness.

Also, Hospitalization, hydration, Antipyretics, Anticonvulsants, and intensive care must be necessary to manage respiratory and neurological compilations.

Prevention is Better then Cure

Preventive measures focused on controlling sand fly populations and minimizing human exposure remain the primary strategies for managing the risk of infection of chandiura virus.

Educate communities in affected areas about risks and preventive measures of Chandipura Virus.

In this situation, people should not panic and take precautions measures given by health department.

The 2003-2004 outbreaks in Central India witnessed case fatality rates ranging from 56-75 per cent in Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat with typical encephalitic symptoms.

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