
Why You Should Accept Guest Posts

Guest posting or guest blogging seems very much in vogue these days. Many bloggers are though still quite skeptical regarding this opportunity, as they tend to see the disadvantages of it, instead of focusing on some of the great advantages of receiving guest articles on their sites or blogs. Therefore, I thought it could have been useful of highlighting some of the great advantages and opportunities in being open towards guest posting.

Why You Should Accept Guest Posts

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In stressful times..

When life gets busy, you have billions of things to do and your blog just runs the risk of laying there in the Internet surface with no updates; guest post can be really beneficial to add new and interesting content to your blog.


Writers that guest posts for other sites or blogs, usually spend a great amount of time writing articles, trying to fit to your blog´s niche, layout or writing style. Therefore, it is quite easy to receive valuable guest posting opportunities. The better the quality of your blog´s articles, the better your site and the higher the chance of driving interested and faithful readers to your site.


Allowing writers to publish on your blog, it is a great way to network, meet new people and establish new relations. One of the greatest benefits in having regular guest posts from known writers is that if stuck in a busy week, you can always ask your trusted guest blogger to help you out with new content or ideas. As a guest writer, I find myself full of joy when somebody likes my pieces so much as to ask for more!


Being open to hosting guest posts, might also give you the possibility to guest posts yourself on other sites. This will inevitably drive new attention and readers to your blog, enlarge your circle and increase your popularity.


Having built a space for guest posts on your site, you can just relax, have more time to dedicate to also other of your interests and do not have to stress about updating your blog everyday.


Each person is unique, and therefore has different ways of expressing him/herself or looking at things. Allowing more voices on your site brings variety on your blog and different interesting perspectives and knowledgeable content.

A few things to keep in mind

If you decide to go for the guest post road, it can be useful for other people to know and so be able to find you. A good idea can be to dedicate a page on your site about “guest-posts opportunities”, so that interested writers can easily contact you.

Although the majority of guest writers takes writing seriously and will honestly put an effort in writing a piece that is of value for your blog; be aware that there are also many that take advantage of this opportunity and provide poor written content!

Make it clear of what kind of posts you want for your blog, state that you will not accept spamming materials, spun-articles, duplicate content and link-farming articles.

Provide guidelines regarding how long you like the articles on your blog to be, if you prefer people contacting you with a few ideas and samples of past published work, or if you rather like having them sending you an article straight away.

When possible, help them understand what is your niche and writing style, what kind of material you would not accept and so forth.

As in everything, be aware and cautions towards suspect content and spammy site.

Now, enjoy getting free and valuable content!

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